Friday, February 20, 2009

My Morning

BEEP BEEP BEEP! My eyes open and I reach my arm lazily over to press the snooze button on my alarm clock. I don’t feel like getting up so I lay in bed with my eyes closed.
“Get up you lazy bum!” my brother yells to me.
I ignore him but get up any way, there’s no way I can get back to sleep now.
After a shower I’m slightly more awake. I’m being bombarded by annoying remarks and questions from my brother.
“So Frodo, seen Gandalf lately?” says my brother
“Oh you mean that tall guy that rides the white pony? Ya he’s standing in front of me,” I reply.
“hey stinky at least I don’t play with plastic horsies.”
“I don’t play with plastic horses, I collect them, and they’re not plastic they’re ceramic, learn the difference moron. Besides I have better things to do.”
I ignore the rest of what he says and walk off to do my usual morning routine.

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