Friday, February 20, 2009

Montana Meth March

It was a long day and we were on the bus home from the Montana Meth March in Helena. Kyle, Casey, Cullen, and I were the only students from Whitehall on the bus. I sat beside my old friend Kate listening to music from Kyle’s ipod on speakers. The girl in front of Kyle, Jacqueline, kept starring at him.
“How old are you?” Jacqueline asked.
“Eighteen,” Kyle replied
“Your not eighteen”
“yes I am!”
“trust me, he is,” I said
Eventually Kyle got annoyed with her and dumped some water on her. She freaked out and started hitting him.
“Why did you do that?! I didn’t do anything to you!” she shrieked
“hey I’m sorry I’m sorry,” said Kyle, “Quit hitting me.”
Jacqueline st down in her cair and sulked.
“ Geez,” I said, “quit freakin out its just water”
“ How would you like it if I poured water on you huh?”
“I wouldn’t care, it’s just water so quit crying about it”
“I’m not crying I’m just pissed”
I ignored everything else she said to me the rest of the ride. She stopped talking to me, thank god, and the rest of the ride home was realatively peace ful, if you can call it that.

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