Friday, March 20, 2009


Joe the baker went for a swim
The ocean was cold and brim
It was getting dark
He was eaten by a shark
Oh why did Joe go for a swim?

Petie and His Sweetie

T’was a bright sunny day for Petie
He went for a walk with his sweetie
They went to the pond
For which he was fond
Alas he did nothing with his sweetie

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Land of Green

There once was a land of Green
That was ruled by a powerful queen
She liked to play fiddles
And speak in riddles
This ruler in the land of Green

St. Marcus' Day

In the days when vampires plagued the Earth, no one was safe. the people of Venice lost their lives to these demons of the dark. St Marcus, a patron saint from Rome chased away the vampires using garlic and crosses. St Marcus’ Day, is held on the first Tuesday of March; the people of Venice wear red to celebrate the disappearance of the vampires

Thursday, February 26, 2009

personal ad

Lonely man seeks outgoing, outdoorsy woman for fishing, hunting, and hiking. Must not be moody, enjoy food and be tolerant of my ego. Beauty a plus. Fat chicks need not apply.


Are you ready for a life of stars? Of glamour, glitter, and shining lights? Come and be my queen in the land of Hollywood. A life of Champaign and fine dining await.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Montana Meth March

It was a long day and we were on the bus home from the Montana Meth March in Helena. Kyle, Casey, Cullen, and I were the only students from Whitehall on the bus. I sat beside my old friend Kate listening to music from Kyle’s ipod on speakers. The girl in front of Kyle, Jacqueline, kept starring at him.
“How old are you?” Jacqueline asked.
“Eighteen,” Kyle replied
“Your not eighteen”
“yes I am!”
“trust me, he is,” I said
Eventually Kyle got annoyed with her and dumped some water on her. She freaked out and started hitting him.
“Why did you do that?! I didn’t do anything to you!” she shrieked
“hey I’m sorry I’m sorry,” said Kyle, “Quit hitting me.”
Jacqueline st down in her cair and sulked.
“ Geez,” I said, “quit freakin out its just water”
“ How would you like it if I poured water on you huh?”
“I wouldn’t care, it’s just water so quit crying about it”
“I’m not crying I’m just pissed”
I ignored everything else she said to me the rest of the ride. She stopped talking to me, thank god, and the rest of the ride home was realatively peace ful, if you can call it that.

My Morning

BEEP BEEP BEEP! My eyes open and I reach my arm lazily over to press the snooze button on my alarm clock. I don’t feel like getting up so I lay in bed with my eyes closed.
“Get up you lazy bum!” my brother yells to me.
I ignore him but get up any way, there’s no way I can get back to sleep now.
After a shower I’m slightly more awake. I’m being bombarded by annoying remarks and questions from my brother.
“So Frodo, seen Gandalf lately?” says my brother
“Oh you mean that tall guy that rides the white pony? Ya he’s standing in front of me,” I reply.
“hey stinky at least I don’t play with plastic horsies.”
“I don’t play with plastic horses, I collect them, and they’re not plastic they’re ceramic, learn the difference moron. Besides I have better things to do.”
I ignore the rest of what he says and walk off to do my usual morning routine.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

to good home

I’m cute, cuddly, and friendly as can be; a little orange ball of fuzz ready for a new home. Wrap me in your arms and let me fall asleep. You’ll love me, I know it; how can you resist a happy little kitty?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Death by Fire

Death comes swift on wings of fire
Darkness burns with shifting shadow
Flame goes black in mortal dire

Fear blocks out all desire
Swept clean from long ago
Death comes swift on wings of fire

Choking hands of smokey spire
Rising from the dark, smoke billows
Flame goes black in mortal dire

heat of flame in desperate ire
lurking demons blacken woes
Death comes swift on wings of fire

Dark descends upon the mire
extinguishing might of foes
Flame goes black in mortal dire

cloudy skies gather to conspire
sparks of fire light and grow
Death comes swift on wings of fire
Flame goes black in mortal dire


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cowboy wanted:

Gallop with me to places unseen, mountain trails, and rodeo. Rope me up; Hold me tight, share my dreams. Horses are my passion never given up. I’ll be watching and waiting for you, in my field of dreams; be my friend be, my love, be my man.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Sheep and the Wolf Are Not Agreed

Defending wolves and their deathblows?
Iraqi wolf with teeth that shred?
Upon the pacifist three woes!

Beware the vulpine power grows,
beware the duped, their banners red,
defending wolves and their deathblows.

Appeasing cunning wolves bestowsmore
time to spread their murd'rous dread.
Upon the pacifist three woes!

This land where Tigris wends and flows
must weep as men become misled,
defending wolves and their deathblows.

The shepherd's blamed who overthrows
(his slingshot's aim was wolf's forehead).
Upon the pacifist three woes!

Redeeming sheep from fiendish foes
requires force. "How wrong!" they said,
defending wolves and their deathblows.
Upon the pacifist three woes.

by Airedale

The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as his liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act, as the destroyer of liberty. Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of the word liberty; and precisely the same difference prevails today among human creatures.

Equine Dreaming

Shaded by the swaying pines, moonlit shivers sway and shift
Water carpers from the spring, sliding by with gentle sound
Thrilling whispers shiver past; firm embrace bestows her gift

Poised nearby, the unicorn drinks where crystal waters drift
Golden horn and silver fleece lightly gleaming all around,
Shaded by the swaying pines, moonlit shivers sway and shift

Dancing, leaping, cloud to cloud, held aloft by feathered lift
Flying horses fill the night, sharing the joy she found-
Thrilling whispers shiver past; firm embrace bestows her gift

Swung beneath broad ivory wings, pearly hoofs had formed a rift
Chance and magic joined to coax water from a stony mound,
Shaded by swaying pines, moonlit shivers sway and shift

Subtle whinneys on the breeze blend with warbling water-sift
Joined by neighs and clops until mystic equine tones abound
Thrilling whispers shiver past; firm embrace bestows her gift
Shaded by swaying pines, moonlit shivers sway and shift

~ anonymous

I chose this poem for the mystical aura about it. it has a sense of movement and life that comes from the way the words are put. All an all I think this is a great poem.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Horse and My Friend

Wind blowing in my face
Across the desolate plain
Chasing the antelope we race
Hoping to do this once again

We always have fun
Wether riding alone
Or with the setting of the sun
Exploring the unknown

I've seen some times of sadness
But you always pull me through
And though i'm sometimes careless
You always know what to do

Thank you to the end
My horse and my friend

By Blondie

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sonnet XVIII: Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?

by William Shakespeare
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date;
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature’s changing course untrimmed.
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;
Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

And Day Brought Back My Night

By Geoffrey Brock
It was so simple: you came back to me
And I was happy. Nothing seemed to matter
But that. That you had gone away from me
And lived for days with him—it didn’t matter.
That I had been left to care for our old dog
And house alone—couldn’t have mattered less!
On all this, you and I and our happy dog
Agreed. We slept. The world was worriless.

I woke in the morning, brimming with old joys
Till the fact-checker showed up, late, for work
And started in: Item: it’s years, not days.
Item: you had no dog. Item: she isn’t back,
In fact, she just remarried. And oh yes, item: you
Left her, remember? I did? I did. (I do.)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


be Erine Siddall

Now that my life has become more real,
and my feelings less clear,
and my dreams more material,
and my loneliness more often,
Where do I go?
Who would accept me for all that I am,
For all that I lack,
For all that I promise,
For all that is wrong and all that is right,
What else can I become?

I chose this poem because it reminds me of Ayla in the book, The Valley of Horses, second in the Clan of the Cave Bear series.


by Jennifer Jesionowski

Soetimes life throws you curves,
And you don't understand it,
Sometimes things happen,
And you can't explain them,
You want to give up, but
The fear of giving up is greater than the fear
Of going on...
So you take one more step, and

I chose this poem because it reminded me to never give up.

The Way I Wanna Be

The Way I Wanna Be

By Paul Atkinson

Feeling kinda strange
Feel like I gotta change
Don't fell like I wanna
Mom and Dad say I gotta
I don't want this
They can't stop this
But if thats the way it's gonna be
I'm still gonna disagree
Until they can see
That is the way I wanna be
So let me have my own say
In what I do in my day
Then I'll decide
To back up my pride

I chose this poem because it is a creative image of my thoughts and ideals.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Writing From the Past

The Fastest Horse

There was much noise at Keenland racetrack as my parents and I pushed past people going to and from the track as we headed for the barn to claim our horse. The young stallion we bought for $100 is a deep chocolate bay named Castaway. He’s small for a Thoroughbred, barely fifteen hands. His sire is Monarchos, the 2001 Kentucky Derby winner and the second horse to break two minutes in the Derby. We had no horse van to take him home in, so I ‘m to ride him one point three miles to our homely little trailer. Mom, a blonde with sapphire blue eyes, is wearing a simple brown dress with tan flowers, and is undoubtedly worried sick with my safety. Daddy, who is balding and never took off his old gray fedora and is now wearing his best suit, which was old and ragged, knew I could handle the small stallion, who I immediately renamed Casey
As I rode home from school one evening on Casey, the school bully Chris said my beautiful Casey was slow as a snail. I told him that Casey could beat his stupid old horse any time. Chris got so mad and suddenly I was afraid he would beat me up. Chris started after me on his sleek chestnut thoroughbred that I had no chance of beating. I told Casey to run as fast as he could but the chestnut kept gaining. Suddenly Casey put on a burst of speed that carried me quickly away from that mean old bully. Within a couple seconds Casey was at least five lengths ahead of Chris’s horse. This surprised me because Chris’s horse, Sin, was the fastest in school because his dad owned a string of racers. We passed the mile marker and Casey was still going strong and was actually trying to speed up even with my tight hold on the reins. We neared my house and I prayed for Casey to slow down, I thought I was going to fall off he was going so fast! Casey reluctantly slowed to a lope as we turned into our driveway.
After an hour of walking Casey around the yard I put him in his little one acre pasture and headed inside to do house chores. Mom had a note in her hand and her face looked very serious. She looked at me and started crying. I tried to comfort her but I didn’t know how. Daddy came in and saw us. He asked my mother why she was crying and she said something about foreclosure. I asked Daddy what it meant and he said it meant we weren’t allowed to live here anymore because we couldn’t pay rent. That also meant I couldn’t keep my wonderful Casey. I ran outside and flung my arms around Casey and cried into his neck.
Everybody in school was talking about Casey’s run against Sin yesterday.. Chris was even nice to me today. But all I could think about was losing Casey. Chris saw how down cast I was and asked “what was eating me.” I told him about our house and about losing Casey. He told me to race Casey. I hadn’t even thought about that. Casey was fast enough to race, and I believed in him. Later when I went home I told Mom that we should race him. But I forgot about one thing, it costs money to race, and we didn’t have any.
I told Chris the next day at school and he told me that I should find a sponsor. But I didn’t know how I could even start to look for one. Chris told me to ride to his house after school today, my parents didn’t know, but I went anyway. Chris and I went to the race track so he could time me. It was extremely fast, 1:59 and 2/5 seconds for a mile and a quarter, the equaling time for Secretariat’s record in the Kentucky Derby! We rode back to Chris’s house to show his dad. Chris and I talked Mr. Bardoul (Chris’s dad) into sponsoring and finding a jockey for Casey to run in the Kentucky Derby!

Tomorrow is Derby Day. My parents weren’t to happy about me going somewhere and not telling them, they weren’t happy about racing either. They think Casey will be dead last like in his claiming race, but I know my Casey can do it. We have to be there early so the jockey can work with Casey on the track before the race so I have to go to bed early tonight.
Derby Day! I am so excited. Casey is an 80 to one shot but I believe in him. My parents are worried Casey will lose. The jockey, Ed Daily, is very nice to Casey. My parent’s visited Mr. Bardoul while I was visiting Casey and Chris. At post time we all went to the grandstands. Casey and the jockey were wearing the silks I picked out, light blue with pink polka dots. They started in fourth post position, a perfect spot. They were off! Casey was bunched in with the pack. After a length the pack straightened out. Casey was third on the rail, right behind the favorite, Casanova. They were in the back stretch, I saw the jockey ask Casey for speed and suddenly Casey was just a blur of colors as he passed the leader with electrifying speed! He was eating up the ground! Casey passed under the wire ten lengths in front of the favorite who came in second! We beat the world record of 1:59 and 2/5 the new record is now 1:57 and 3/5, an almost impossible time! Our home was saved and I didn’t worry about losing Casey anymore

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

first blog

Woo Hoo! First blog post!